Rewiring of components based on pre-determined mapping of the interior of the headband for the placement of hardware elements
UX/UI | Mar 25, 2021
Front-end progress: Added new interactive elements (correction mode toggle button and band button)
Added eq to the legend
GENERAL | Mar 25, 2021
Team poster!!!!!
MECH | Mar 20, 2021
Reprint of headband with modifications
Adjustments made to ensure all components fit inside
Used new material (TPU-95A)
SOFTWARE | Mar 10, 2021
Front end work has progressed significantly
Components are placed on the screen
Need to link mouse-event functionalities
MECH | Mar 5, 2021
3D printed a sample prototype to make sure components fit within the band
Added foam on the inner circumference to ensure sizing requirements are still being met (one size fits all)
SOFTWARE | Feb 20, 2021
Will be using p5.js for the app as it provides a good api for audio visualization and analysis, as well as faster communication with photon
Wrote the code needed to display frequency information to web app
Have code to communicate with photon, but needs to be tested and explored to understand how to audio is going to come in and latency
Tested filter application to sound sources which works and multiple filters can be connected, however math behind this still needs to be explored
ELECTRICAL | Feb 15, 2021
1. Ordered/Collected parts
3.7 V, 400 mAh LiPO battery
LiPO battery charging port
Mic Module (MAX9814)
Accelerometer (ADXL335)
Photon (already had)
2. Designed and built circuit
Soldered all the connections
Tested each sensor
UX/UI | Feb 5, 2021
Based on user feedback, adjustments have been made to the design of the desktop app
HARDWARE | Jan 29, 2021
Testing various analog and digital omnidirectional microphones with different specs to see which ones give us the best frequency readings (using an Arduino uno and MATLAB interface)
Will be conducting similar testing on the accelerometers and order pre-made sound sensors which have amplifying circuits
Will be designing and ordering custom PCB for the powering system and build system with the batteries
UX/UI | Jan 28, 2021
Initial design concepts for the wavband desktop application made with Figma
Next steps: more mock designs and user feedback/testing